Seeding a sustainable future
Innovative marketing strategies to encourage tree-planting in India
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This project aims to encourage widespread tree planting which can contribute to increased green cover, the mitigation of deforestation, whilst enhancing climate resilience in local communities.
Empowering rural women entrepreneurs through tree sampling marketing can enhance livelihoods, and the economic opportunities of rural areas.
Leveraging the use of AI, mobile apps, and blockchain technology will demonstrate an innovative approach to tackling environmental challenges.
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Deforestation is a major global challenge. The global tree cover has diminished at a rate of 10 million hectares between 2015 and 2020, contributing to an estimated 4.1 gigatons of annual carbon emissions through land-use changes. Between 2015 and 2020, India experienced a staggering average annual loss of 668,440 hectares of forest. This substantial decline in tree coverage poses significant consequences for the environment, the economy and population.
Trees play a dual role in absorbing carbon dioxide whilst providing crucial protection during climate disasters. Trees on farms can help local communities become more resilient to climate shocks. The challenge is to effectively motivate rural households to plant trees amidst ongoing deforestation trends.
This research proposes leveraging generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in deploying distinct messaging strategies to create multimedia content. Rural women entrepreneurs will use WhatsApp to disseminate tailored messages and market tree samplings to households.
The project will simultaneously employ blockchain technology to track tree growth, ensuring accurate monitoring whilst promoting the use of tokens for fundraising means.
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This research leverages insights from consumer behaviour and marketing strategies to influence rural households’ tree planting behaviours. By applying behavioural science principles, the project has the potential to motivate and empower individuals to take tangible action against deforestation.
Engaging rural women entrepreneurs as key agents of change not only promotes gender empowerment, but also strengthens local capacity for sustainable development. This inclusive approach ensures that the project has meaningful, community-driven impact.
The project harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology for innovative communication, monitoring and tracking of tree planting efforts. This integration of technology can enhance the efficiency, transparency, and scalability of the intervention.
Findings from this project have the potential to inform scalable tree planting initiatives and environmental policies beyond the study area. By generating evidence-based insights, the project has the potential to shape broader strategies for combating deforestation and climate change.
Dharma Life Labs is a collaboration between Dharma Life, the Wheeler Institute for Business and Development, Siriti, and Accenture. Partnering with Dharma Life Labs is a demonstration of how businesses can play a pivotal role in addressing global challenges. This research will use rural women entrepreneurs to influence household behaviour of buying and planting trees. Whilst assessing the impact of innovative marketing strategies, this project works to also motivate enterprising women to instigate change within their communities.
The Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) is a leading advocate for advancing the study of consumer behaviour. Ideas for marketing interventions were gathered through SCP’s open call, and a total of 13 ideas were selected after expert evaluation. These interventions were then tested in the field with Dharma Life Entrepreneurs. Group messages are now being crafted based on overlapping theoretical frameworks for the final intervention.
The Sui Foundation is a pioneering blockchain organisation responsible for a wide range of technical, and economic innovations that will help future generations of developers and business leaders to leverage the power of decentralised computing. This project harnesses cutting-edge AI tools to transform interventions into multimedia formats for effective communication. Collected data will be securely stored on blockchain for accuracy and transparency whilst potentially enabling token-based fundraising for tree maintenance.