Professor Gallien’s research focuses on pushing the frontier of supply chain management and global health delivery through collaborations with leading firms and organisations. He has published, consulted and taught extensively in the areas of operations and supply chain management and serves on the editorial boards of the journals Management Science, Operations Research and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
He is a native of France but has lived in the United States and the United Kingdom since 1996. Professor Gallien holds a PhD in Operations Research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an Engineering Degree from the École des Mines de Paris.
Professor Gallien is the academic advisor on the Wheeler Institute’s Development Impact Platform, Zambia projects. He provides academic perspective, methodical guidance and constructive feedback to the student impact teams throughout the project life-cycle as well as supports and facilitates the partnership between Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency, Graduate School Business, the Graduate School of Business at the University of Zambia and Wheeler Institute at LBS.